Task 1 – Entertainment

Digital signals consist of patterns of information. The patterns can be made in many ways, they all consist of a specific code. Most modern computers are able to process all this information as binary patterns.

An Analog  signal is a continuous signal that has time-varying quantities. Analog waves don’t have specific points and it is quite wavey making it a bit harder for technology to read than the Digital signal.

Converting Digital to Analog is called Demodulation to do this you need to convert a binary number into a voltage proportional to its value. Where as if you are converting Analog to Digital it is called Modulationand to convert these you need to do the oposite, you need to change the voltage into a binary number.

Noise has a big effect on analog signals, this is because they automatically go to any value within a range of values. Digital signals only take two values: 1 or 0. This means that it will be easier to define between the two values even when noise interferes with the signals. One way that you can protect analog signals from noise is to convert them from analog signals to digital ones. Another example of how you can lose signal is attenuation. Attenuation is a loss of signal strength due to the environment in which the signal is being sent.

How data is structured?